講義コード 1447J
講義名 留学英語III
開講責任部署 全体
講義開講時期 秋学期
基準単位数 1
時間 0.00
代表曜日 木曜日
代表時限 2時限
開講学科 国際文化学科
必選別 選択
履修セメスター 第4セメスター

職種 氏名 所属
准教授 ◎ ウェア ジーン リー (指定なし)

The three 留学英語 classes, which we'll call Study Abroad English classes, will help students build the English skills needed to communicate while traveling and living in English speaking countries.
This class focuses on building writing skills. Writing is an important skill to develop as it gives you plenty of time to plan and revise what you want to communicate. The skills we will focus on for this class include building vocabulary, analyzing sample sentences, writing grammatically correct sentences, and writing about personal experiences and opinions. Our textbook’s writing manual explains English writing conventions and rules in both English and Japanese. The seven model paragraphs for each topic provide students the vocabulary and sentence structures that they need in order to write their own compositions. (The model paragraphs have also been translated into Japanese.) This class will be taught in English.
目指せ!TOEFL iBT 60点! (Maximum score: 120)
第1週ガイダンス & Topic 1授業の進め方, Layout, Capital Letters, What Is a Sentence?, Simple Sentences. Topic 1: Self-Introductions
第2週Topic 1Self-Introductions (continued), And, But, & Or in Simple Sentences, Compound Sentences (1 & 2), Because and So, Complex Sentences, Subject-Verb Agreement, Tense Agreement, Singular & Plural Nouns
第3週Topic 2Family
第4週Topic 3Hometowns
第5週Topic 4School Life
第6週Topic 5Friends
第7週Topic 6Part-Time Jobs
第8週Topic 7aFree Time
第9週Topic 7b(continued)
第10週Topic 8aChildhood Memories
第11週Topic 8b(continued)
第12週Topic 9aTrips & Travel
第13週Topic 9b(continued)
第14週Topic 10aDreams & Plans
第15週Topic 10b(continued)

留学英語I~II, 検定英語A・B, TOEIC A・B, 英語プレゼンテーションII~IV、ICT英語I~II、留学英語II~III、地域文化圏研究 (アメリカ) など。
Read to Write 2nd Edition by Douglas Moore & David Barker (BTB Press, www.btbpress.com)
Please check the class and meeting schedule that’s posted on my office door (IC #8). You’re welcome to come whenever I’m free. 研究室ドアに張ってある講義時間予定表を見て空いている時間であれば、いつでも歓迎します。
Lessons build on material that was covered in previous lessons, so attendance is important to learn the material covered in class. Our class time is also a good time to practice your English skills and build your vocabulary. When using English, don’t worry about making mistakes. Just do your best! このクラスは英語表現、語彙を学ぶよい機会です。英語を話す時はミステイクを気にする必要はありません。講義内容を理解するためには、毎回の出席が重要である。最善を尽くすことが大切です。
Assigned homework should be completed before class. To become skilled in English, it’s important to frequently review vocabulary and grammar. Studying English for ~15 minutes every day is better than studying English for 2 hours once a week. Also, build your reading and listening skills by using material that you can understand 80~90% of the time. Check out the resources on Jean’s Moodle page for English Language Learning (at http://tiny.cc/EngLL).
宿題は授業の前に必ず終えておくこと。英語の上達には常に語彙と文法の復習が大切である。毎日15分学ぶことは週1回2時間学ぶことより良い。80~90%理解できる教材を使ってリーデイング、リスニング力を向上すること。Jean’s English Languageの Moodle pageのリソースを参照(http://tiny.cc/EngLL)。